Facilitating authentic connection
through unique digital experiences

Stiaan le Roux
Creative Alchemist | Digital Guru

Design is a Process of Alchemy


a way of being in the world

Not just a design style, minimalism is a philosophy I apply in all domains of my life. In order to create clarity, I simplify products to their core. Then I rebuild from there and make the magic happen. My alchemical design process is hyper-focussed on doing just that.


a magical way of creating

Instead of building MVPs - Minimal Viable Products, I build MLPs - Minimal Lovable Products. My process here relies on extracting, understanding and then articulating what you love about your product and speaking to people who love your product already. This practice depends heavily on radical honesty and trust.


integrating your product and clients

Once alchemised, your product becomes a facilitator for real connection with your client or end user.I achieve this by integrating all aspects of the user experience. This last step would enable us to converge and work towards a final product that represents your brand fully.

My Finest Work Yet

I specialise in User Experience, Interface Design and Branding.I also enjoy building awesome client onboarding processes, project management and front-end development

Shop & Ship
by Aramex

Redesign of the app and website

View Project

New Balance

UX | UI 
Online store

View Project

Van Der Blij

UX | UI | Front-end Development
Online store

View Project

Digital design gallery

A collection of digital and print design projects

View Gallery
About me

I have a deep desire to with work passionate people on their brands experiences and creative endeavours. The ones who love what they do, but might feel stuck with creative flow, and want to improve their brand identity and online presence.

My purpose is to fan creative embers into spectacular bonfires. I resonate with people that are forward-thinking, human-centric and eco-conscious. I also love finding a deeper understanding of products and what value they can offer people. I believe that well designed products and services can change the world.

I work in
OE logoAriseHealth logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logo
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